These are some quick Dungeondraft battlemaps that I made for the Cassalanter Asmodean Shrine Outpost from The Alexandrian Remix. For these battlemaps the grid size is 256 pixels, feel free to use them as you please!

In my campaign, I ran the Cassalanter outpost a bit differently than what was described in the Alexandrian Remix, which is why my basement map differs from the remix. I expanded the size of the basement to better suit a combat encounter, and reflavored it as a processing center for the Midnight Tears poison. I felt this change helped to tie the outpost to one of the Cassalanter’s main goals, since the Hell Cyst presented in the remix felt a little out of place to me.

When I ran Waterdeep Dragon Heist, I introduced this outpost as a side objective during Chapter Two, however it could have easily fit into the later chapters of the module. For combat, I made a few encounters consisting of appropriate numbers of Cultists, Cult Fanatics, and Imps for my party.

I decided to roll for a magic item to place in the basement, and got Keoghtom’s Ointment. This turned out to be an interesting piece of storytelling, the ointment can be used to cure poison and disease, so I imagine that the cultists kept it in case of accidental exposure to the Midnight Tears.

First floor of Cassalanter Outpost map.

Basement of Cassalanter Outpost map.